
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus



本期卷期 43:5
出刊日期 202310
並列刊名 醫學研究
刊期 雙月刊
ISSN 1011-4564
出版單位 國防醫學院
出刊地 台灣
出刊語言 英文
發行狀態 繼續發行




  • 本期卷期:43:5
  • 出刊日期:202310
序號 篇名 作者 關鍵詞 下載 收藏
1 Risk Factors for Failures in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Narrative Review Wen‑Chun Yen、Zhi‑Hong Zheng Anterior cruciate ligament reconstructionlateral extra‑articular tenodesis proceduretibial slopegraftinfectionarthrofibrosistunnelMEDLINEScopus
2 Elucidating the Role of SLC4A7 in Glioma Prognosis: A Comprehensive Approach Combining Bioinformatics, Single-Cell Analysis, and Tissue Validation Tung Liu、Nien‑Tzu Liu、Yu-Chuan Huang、Wei‑Wen Hsu、Yu‑Chieh Lin、Yao‑Feng Li SLC4A7glioblastomathe cancer genome atlasChinese glioma genome atlasgene set enrichment analysistumor mutation burdenmicrosatellite instabilityCIBERSORTsingle‑cell sequencingMEDLINEScopus
3 The Influence of Digitalized Examination of the Histology Laboratory Course on Medical and Dental Students: A Retrospective Study Ming‑Hsien Chiang、Hsin‑Chieh Lan、Chia‑Pi Cheng、Jang‑Yi Chen、Fon‑Yi Yin、Gu‑Jiun Lin Histology laboratory courselight microscope station examinationMicrosoft PowerPoint examinationdigitalizationlearning motivationMEDLINEScopus
4 A Selective Histone Deacetylase 6 Inhibitor Showed Antiviral Activity Against Dengue and Zika Viruses Hao‑Wen Shih、Chang‑Huei Tsao、Yu‑Hsiu Chang、Chih‑Wei Yang、Shao‑Wei Feng、Kuo‑Chou Chiu Flavivirusdengue virusZika virusanti‑viral drugshistone deacetylase 6 inhibitorsMEDLINEScopus
5 Comparison of Regional Cerebral Oxygen Saturation Variations Between Sevoflurane and Propofol Anaesthesia in Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery Atul Aman、Samarendra Nath Samui、Pavan Kumar Dammalapati、Sandeep Kumar Kar Sevofluranepropofolcerebral regional oxygen saturationlaparoscopic surgerypneumoperitoneumTrendelenburg positionMEDLINEScopus
6 Multiple Orbital Hemangiomas: A Rare Case Presentation Iqra Mushtaq、Pranjali Lahanu Nibe、Banyameen Iqbal、Tushar Kambale Multiple cavernous hemangiomasneurofibromabenign tumorsorbital tumorsMEDLINEScopus
7 Metachronous Intramedullary Anaplastic Astrocytoma and Liposarcoma Complicated by Neurofibromatosis Type 1: A Family History Analysis Yi-Chia Ho、Li-Tsun Shieh、Wan-Lin Shen、Sheng-Yow Ho Neurofibromatosis 1spinal cord neoplasmastrocytomaliposarcomafamily analysisMEDLINEScopus
8 Refractory Orthostatic Headache: A Case Report and Literature Review Chan-Hsu Wu、Fu-Chi Yang、Yi-Chih Hsu、Ping-Ying Chang Headachespontaneous intracranial hypotensioncerebrospinal fluid leakageepidural blood patcheshead and neck squamous cell carcinomaMEDLINEScopus
9 Potential Utility of Tranexamic Acid in Combat Trauma Li‑Kuei Yang、Zhi‑Hong Zheng MEDLINEScopus

