
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus



本期卷期 40:6
出刊日期 202012
並列刊名 醫學研究
刊期 雙月刊
ISSN 1011-4564
出版單位 國防醫學院
出刊地 台灣
出刊語言 英文
發行狀態 繼續發行




  • 本期卷期:40:6
  • 出刊日期:202012
序號 篇名 作者 關鍵詞 下載 收藏
1 Does Micronucleus Score Significantly Correlate with Dysplasia in Cervical Pap Smears? Taraknath Mahanta、Debarshi Saha、Priyanka Roy、Isha Agarwal、Barnali Maiti、Nikhil Kumar High grade squamous intraepithelial lesioninvasive cancerreceiver operating characteristic curvecut-offMEDLINEScopus
2 Molecular Profile of Colorectal Cancer Patients in Bali Based on Methylation of O⁶‑Methylguanine DNA Methyltransferase Promoter Region and Mutation of BRAF and Kirsten RAt Sarcoma Viral Oncogene Homolog Gene Ayu Dewi Ni Nyoman、Juli Sumadi I. Wayan、H. Sunny Sun BRAFcolorectal cancerepigeneticKirsten RAt sarcoma viral oncogene homologO⁶‑methylguanine DNA methyltransferaseMEDLINEScopus
3 Determining the Continuance Intention of Military volunteers to Use the Quit and Win Smartphone App Using the Technology Acceptance Model Yu-Lung Chiu、Hsiang-Ting Chang、Ching-Li Lin、Yaw-Wen Chang、Li-Chen Yen、Li-Ting Kao、Chih-Fen Hu、Hsuan-Wei Chen Smartphoneappssmoking cessationtechnology acceptance modelMEDLINEScopus
4 A Comparison of Two Proportions of Remifentanil–Propofol Mixture Administered with Target‑Controlled Infusion for Patients Undergoing Colonoscopy Hou-Chuan Lai、Tsai-Shan Wu、Meng-Fu Lai、Yi-Hsuan Huang、Jen-Yin Chen、Yao-Tsung Lin、Zhi-Fu Wu Remifentanilpropofoltarget‑controlled infusioncolonoscopyMEDLINEScopus
5 Multimodal Analgesia for Shoulder Rotator Cuff Surgery Pain: The Role of Naldebain® and Ultrasound‑Guided Peripheral Nerve Blocks Combination Wei‑Hsiu Huang、Nian-Cih Huang、Jui‑An Lin、Chih‑Shung Wong Chronic postsurgical painmultimodal analgesianaldebainpreventive analgesiaultrasound‑guided peripheral nerve blocksMEDLINEScopus
6 Primary Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Thyroid Gland: A Report of Two Cases Abhay Vilas Deshmukh、Vitaladevuni B. Shivkumar、Kailas S. Kotalwar、Nitin M. Gangane Primary squamous cell carcinomathyroid glandthyroid malignancyMEDLINEScopus
7 A Holistic Approach to a Rare Case of Kearns–Sayre Syndrome Saurav Mittal、Pukhraj Singh Jeji、Sunita Gupta、Abhishek Garg Kearns–Sayreneurologicretinopathysalt and pepperMEDLINEScopus
8 Rare Case of Bilateral Patellar Tendon Rupture in a Patient of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus with Chronic Renal Failure Hui-Sen Tseng、Hui‑Wen Shih、Chia‑Chun Wu、Hsain‑Chung Shen Bilateral patellar tendon rupturechronic renal failuresystemic lupus erythematosusKrackow techniqueMEDLINEScopus
9 Spinal Cord Lesions and Movement Disorders MEDLINEScopus
10 Afebrile Wuhan Coronavirus Infection and Expected False Negative of Thermoscanning for Screening of Immigrant MEDLINEScopus

