
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus



本期卷期 42:5
出刊日期 202210
並列刊名 醫學研究
刊期 雙月刊
ISSN 1011-4564
出版單位 國防醫學院
出刊地 台灣
出刊語言 英文
發行狀態 繼續發行




  • 本期卷期:42:5
  • 出刊日期:202210
序號 篇名 作者 關鍵詞 下載 收藏
1 Clinical Analysis for Osmotic Demyelination Syndrome in Patients with Chronic Hyponatremia Hsi‑Chih Chen、Chih‑Chien Sung、Yi‑Chang Lin、Lin‑Chien Chan、Shih‑Hua Lin Hyponatremiaosmotic demyelination syndromerisk factorssodium correction rateMEDLINEScopus
2 Expression of Ki‑67, P63, P40, and Alpha‑Smooth Muscle Actin in Salivary Gland Carcinomas with or without Myoepithelial Differentiation Saman Salehizalani、Saede Atarbashi‑Moghadam、Sepideh Mokhtari、Farzad Yazdani Cancerimmunohistochemistrymyoepithelialsalivary gland tumorMEDLINEScopus
3 The Relationship between the Sugammadex Use and Postoperative Reintubation in the Absence of Neuromuscular Monitoring Chung‑Yi Wu、Ke‑Li Wu、Tsai‑Shan Wu、Wei‑Cheng Tseng、Bo‑Feng Lin、Hou‑Chuan Lai Sugammadexgeneral anesthesiareintubationneuromuscular monitoringpostoperative residual curarizationMEDLINEScopus
4 Histopathological Evaluation of Estrogen Receptors, Progesterone Receptors, and Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor‑2/Neu Expressions in Breast Carcinoma and their Correlations with Other Prognostic Factors: A Hospital‑based Study Hena Kawsar、Anuradha Sinha、Md. Sadakkas Ali、Jyoti Prakash Phukan、Swapan Pathak Breast carcinomaestrogen receptorprogesterone receptorhuman epidermal growth factor receptorMEDLINEScopus
5 Comparison of the Incidence of Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Northern Taiwan and Southern Taiwan (2000–2015) Shih‑En Tang、Shu‑Yu Wu、Fang‑Yu Jhou、Chi‑Hsiang Chung、Wu‑Chien Chien、Chih‑Hung Wang Air pollutionparticulate mattersudden sensorineural hearing lossMEDLINEScopus
6 Comparing the Efficacy of Ultrasound‑Guided Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block with or without Intercostobrachial Nerve Block for Forearm Surgeries – An Observational Study Diksha D’mello、Neeta Santha Supraclavicular blocktourniquet painforearmanalgesiapatient satisfactionperipheral neuropathylocal anestheticblood pressureMEDLINEScopus
7 Quetiapine‑induced Drug Rash with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptom Syndrome Roshni Acha Biju、Sandhra Davis、Ganga Sanal Drug‑induced reactioneosinophiliaquetiapinemaculopapular rashesMEDLINEScopus
8 Spontaneous Early Recanalization of an Acute Internal Jugular Vein Thrombosis Yi Liu、Chi‑Hsin Ting、Yueh‑Feng Sung、Fu‑Chi Yang Anticoagulantsheadacheinternal jugular vein thrombosisrecanalizationMEDLINEScopus
9 CIC‑DUX4 Sarcoma: A Case Report and Review of the Literature Chang‑Hung Liao、Yi‑Jnn Peng、Yi‑Chih Hsu、Ping‑Ying Chang CIC‑DUX sarcomasmall round cell sarcomaEwing‑like sarcomaMEDLINEScopus
10 LETTER TO EDITOR: Ketamine Treats Nalbuphine Sebacate-Induced Hyperalgesia MEDLINEScopus

