
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus



本期卷期 34:3
出刊日期 201406
並列刊名 醫學研究
刊期 雙月刊
ISSN 1011-4564
出版單位 國防醫學院
出刊地 台灣
出刊語言 英文
發行狀態 繼續發行




  • 本期卷期:34:3
  • 出刊日期:201406
序號 篇名 作者 關鍵詞 下載 收藏
1 Epidemiologic and Pathologic Characteristics of Basal Cell Carcinoma in Northern Taiwan: Experience from a Medical Center Yeh, Yu-wen、Chen, Sheng-yi、Wu, Bai-yao、Gao, Hong-wei、Liu, Chun-yuan、Chien, Wu-chien、Chiang, Chien-ping Basal cell carcinomapigmentationdepthepidemiologypathologysubtypeMEDLINEScopus
2 Whether the Spetzler-Martin Grading Scale is Adequate to Children with Intracranial Arteriovenous Malformations? Lin, Hung-che、Huang, Wen-yen、Chen, Shyi-jou、Juan, Chun-jung、Chen, Yuan-hao、Ma, Hsin-i、Chou, Yu-ching、Lee, Jiunn-tay、Peng, Giia-sheun、Chou, Ya-ling、Fan, Hueng-chuen Intracranial arteriovenous malformationsSpetzler-Martin grading scaleGlasgow outcome scaleMEDLINEScopus
3 Analysis of Risk Factors in Elderly Patients with Purple Urine Bag Syndrome: A Retrospective Analysis in a Medical Center in Northern Taiwan Peng, Tao-chun、Wang, Chung-ching、Chan, James Yi-hsin、Huang, Shih-ming、Kao, Tung-wei、Chang, Yaw-wen、Fang, Wen-hui、Chen, Wei-liang Purple urine bag syndromehome careasymptomatic bacteriuriaMEDLINEScopus
4 Early Surgical Outcomes of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in Patients with Dialysis-Dependent Renal Failure: Effects of Early Hemodialysis Lin, Chih-yuan、Hsu, Yu-juei、Kao, Chih-hong、Hsu, Po-shun、Lin, Yi-chang、Tsai, Yi-ting、Lin, Shih-hua、Tsai, Chien-sung Coronary artery bypass graftingend-stage renal diseasehemodialysissurgical outcomesMEDLINEScopus
5 Successful Nonsurgical Treatment for Synchronous Acute Cholecystitis and Acute Appendicitis: A Case Report and Review of the Literatures Lee, Ting-ying、Chang, Hao-ming、Shig, Ming-lang、Chen, Teng-wei、Hsieh, Chung-bao、Chan, De-chuan、Yu, Jyh-cherng、Liao, Guo-shiou Acute cholecysitissynchronous acute appendicitischloelithiasisMEDLINEScopus
6 Klebsiella Pneumoniae Peritonsillar Abscess Followed by Liver Abscess in an Immunocompetent Adult Lai, Kuan-cheng、Tsai, Shih-hung、Chen, Yu-long、Chen, Sy-jou、Liao, Wen-i Klebsiella pneumoniaeperitonsillar abscessliver abscessMEDLINEScopus
7 Sorafenib-induced Acute Pancreatitis Wang, Han-en、Chen, Chun-ting、Huang, Hsin-hung Sorafenibpancreatitishepatocellular carcinomaMEDLINEScopus
8 Bipedicled Flap Reconstruction of Soft Tissue Defect with Achilles Tendon Exposure Lin, Chin-ta、Chen, Chi-yu、Chang, Shun-cheng Bipedicled flapreconstructionsoft tissue defectAchilles tendonMEDLINEScopus
9 Recurrent Serotype K1 Klebsiella pneumoniae Liver Abscess: A Single or Different Pathogen? Lai, Wen-sen、Lin, Jung-chung Klebsiella pneumoniaerecurrenceliver abscess, serotype K1MEDLINEScopus
10 A Rare Clinical Presentation of Aortic Dissection Liu, Ching-chih、Li, Shao-jung、Hsu, Ko-chiang Lower-back painaortic dissectionlimb cynosisMEDLINEScopus

