
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus



本期卷期 40:4
出刊日期 202008
並列刊名 醫學研究
刊期 雙月刊
ISSN 1011-4564
出版單位 國防醫學院
出刊地 台灣
出刊語言 英文
發行狀態 繼續發行




  • 本期卷期:40:4
  • 出刊日期:202008
序號 篇名 作者 關鍵詞 下載 收藏
1 Hearing Loss in Children: A Review of Literature Karpal Singh Sohal、Jeremiah Robert Moshy、Sira Stanslaus Owibingire、Iliyasu Y. Shuaibu Audiometrycauses of hearing losschildreninfectionsMEDLINEScopus
2 Low Birth Weight Incidence in Newborn’ Neonate in Qom, Iran: Risk Factors and Complications Azadeh Asgarian、Khatereh Sourani、Sima Afrashteh、Abolfazl Mohammadbeigi、Mohammad Aligol Complicationsfactorslow birth weightprevalenceMEDLINEScopus
3 Is it an Impact Factor for Standardized Patients with Actor Background to Perform in the Taiwan High‑Stake Objective Structured Clinical Examination? Yaw‑Don Hsu、Hui‑Chen Lin、Chang‑Hsun Hsieh、Fung‑Wei Chang、Jiunn‑Tay Lee、Chin‑Sheng Lin、Hsu‑Kai Huang、Chin Lin High stakes objective structured clinical examinationnational medical licensing examinationstandardized patientsMEDLINEScopus
4 Clinical Efficacy of Minipterional Craniotomy with Rostral Transsylvian‑Transinsular Approach for Hypertensive Basal Ganglion Hemorrhage Bon‑Jour Lin、Yi‑An Chen、Tzu‑Tsao Chung、Wei‑Hsiu Liu、Chi‑Tun Tang、Dueng‑Yuan Hueng、Yuan‑Hao Chen、Hsin‑I Ma、Ming‑Ying Liu、Hung‑Chang Hung、Da‑Tong Ju Minipterionaltranssylvian transinsularhemorrhageMEDLINEScopus
5 A 10‑year Retrospective Analysis on the Incidence of Anesthesia Awareness with Recall in Adult Patients under Total Intravenous Anesthesia Ke‑Li Wu、Zhi‑Fu Wu、Meng‑Fu Lai、Yi‑Hsuan Huang、Wei‑Cheng Tseng、Jen‑Yin Chen、Hou‑Chuan Lai Awarenessgeneral anesthesiatotal intravenous anesthesiabispectral indexMEDLINEScopus
6 Arachnoid Cyst Complicated by Contralateral Chronic Subdural Hematoma Ming-Hsuan Chung、Peng-Wei Wang、Dueng-Yuan Hueng、Da-Tong Ju、Jang-Chun Lin、Wei-Hsiu Liu Arachnoid cystchronic subdural hemorrhageChildrenMEDLINEScopus
7 Pulmonary Neuroendocrine Tumor in a Young Male Jyoti Bajpai、Ayush Jain、Surya Kant、Akshyaya Pradhan、Darshan Kumar Bajaj Lung cancerchemotherapyhistopathological examinationparaneoplastic syndromeneuroendocrine tumorMEDLINEScopus
8 Acute Myocardial Infarction Presented with Isolated Precordial Lead Elevation in V2 Li‑Hsiang Chen、Li‑Wei Wu、Shih‑Chung Huang Atrial fibrillationisolated precordial V2 leadST‑segment elevated myocardial infarctionMEDLINEScopus
9 A Patient Presenting with Repeating Transient Hemiballismus Due to Critical Stenosis of the Internal Carotid Artery MEDLINEScopus
10 Modified Strategy for One‑Lung Ventilation in a Patient with Tracheal Bronchus and Difficult Airway MEDLINEScopus

