
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Refractory Orthostatic Headache: A Case Report and Literature Review
卷期 43:5
作者 Chan-Hsu WuFu-Chi YangYi-Chih HsuPing-Ying Chang
頁次 240-243
關鍵字 Headachespontaneous intracranial hypotensioncerebrospinal fluid leakageepidural blood patcheshead and neck squamous cell carcinomaMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 202310
DOI 10.4103/jmedsci.jmedsci_230_22



Headache is a common problem in patients with cancer undergoing active treatment or in cancer survivors. However, severe orthostatic headache is less common and should be carefully differentiated. Spontaneous intracranial hypotension (SIH) is a rare and often misdiagnosed disorder. Neuroimaging is crucial for diagnosing and monitoring SIH. Awareness of SIH is essential because patients with SIH often suffer from severe impairment of quality of life and psychological distress before receiving a correct diagnosis and treatment. We present a case of a 66‑year‑old man who had squamous cell carcinoma of the tonsil, stage IV with multiple metastases, and was diagnosed with SIH during the period of palliative treatment.
