
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Low Birth Weight Incidence in Newborn’ Neonate in Qom, Iran: Risk Factors and Complications
卷期 40:4
作者 Azadeh AsgarianKhatereh SouraniSima AfrashtehAbolfazl MohammadbeigiMohammad Aligol
頁次 162-166
關鍵字 Complicationsfactorslow birth weightprevalenceMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 202008
DOI 10.4103/jmedsci.jmedsci_164_19



Background: Low birth weight (LBW) is related with high morbidity of neonatal consequences and death. This study aimed to determine the incidence of LBW, its risk factors, and complications in born neonates in Qom, Iran 2017. Methods: This retrospective chart review was conducted with 602 newborns participants who were one of Qom hospitals in Iran. Data were extracted from the patients’ medical records and entered into data collection sheet and were analyzed by t test, Chi square, Fisher exact, and independent t tests in SPSS v. 18 software. Results: The overall incidence of LBW in born neonates was 9.6%, and the mean of maternal age was 28.8 years. Based on results, twin’s birth (Odds ratio [OR] = 1.47), receiving corticosteroid (OR = 4.55), and premature rupture of membrane (PROM) (OR = 1.08) were the most important related factors of LBW and respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) (OR = 6.47.8), sepsis (OR = 5.36), and icterus (OR = 5.8) consequences of LBW. Nevertheless, poor feeding, hypoplasia, premature, tachypnea, meconium, intraventricular hemorrhage, hypotonic, and other neonatal complications do not show the significant relationship with LBW (P > 0.05). Conclusions: According to results, twin’s births, receiving corticosteroid, and PROM are the important risk factors for LBW and RDS, sepsis and icterus were the most common complication of LBW. As a result, preventive programs for control of LBW and infant complications are essential.

