
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Bipedicled Flap Reconstruction of Soft Tissue Defect with Achilles Tendon Exposure
卷期 34:3
作者 Lin, Chin-taChen, Chi-yuChang, Shun-cheng
頁次 129-132
關鍵字 Bipedicled flapreconstructionsoft tissue defectAchilles tendonMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201406
DOI 10.4103/1011-4564.134396



Soft tissue defects exposing the Achilles tendon are common in patients who have undergone trauma or in those with pressure ulcers associated with vascular diseases. Here, we present our recent experience of using a bipedicled fasciocutaneous flap to resurface the complex soft tissue defect and provide a gliding surface for the exposed Achilles tendon. The donor-sites were covered with split-thickness skin grafts and healed well without complications. The bipedicled fasciocutaneous flap survived completely, and the wound healed satisfactorily at 2 months follow-up. The bipedicled fasciocutaneous flap is a reliable flap for coverage of defects overlying the Achilles tendon, especially in patients with vascular problems and/or advanced age. The ease of handling, short operative time, and early recovery of mobilization function are of great benefit to patients. This method can be a valuable alternative for defect reconstructions overlying the Achilles tendon, with satisfactory results both functionally and cosmetically.

