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篇名 連鎖服飾業的配送包裝與分配最佳化
卷期 22:2
並列篇名 An Optimization Approach for the Assort-packing and Distribution Problem of Franchise Clothing Industry
作者 蔡榮發譚芃楠劉晉銘林明華
頁次 049-072
關鍵字 連鎖服飾業包裝與配送問題最佳化Franchise clothing industryAssort-packing and distribution problemOptimization
出刊日期 202408




Amidst the fast fashion trend, Taiwan's apparel industry confronts significant challenges in packaging and distribution. This study focuses on addressing these issues within the chain clothing sector, aiming to enhance operational efficiency and minimize associated costs. Traditionally, completed garments are shipped from abroad to Taiwan, followed by distribution via internal or external logistics. However, discrepancies between supply and demand often lead to extra costs for restocking and redistribution. To tackle this, the study introduces an optimization model designed to cut down on superfluous time and expenses, thereby boosting overall operational efficiency and profitability. Leveraging technological advancements and optimization models, this research aspires to offer a more efficient solution for distribution and packaging in the chain clothing industry, catering to the swiftly evolving market needs.
