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篇名 臺灣與國際景氣循環關聯性之檢視-循環分解觀點的探討
卷期 22:2
並列篇名 Examining the Linkage of Taiwan with the International Business Cycles: A Cyclical Decomposition Perspective
作者 周大森周炳宏李雨師
頁次 023-048
關鍵字 景氣循環共移現象循環分解Business cyclesco-movementcyclical decomposition
出刊日期 202408




Studies on the characteristics of international business cycles, such as the co-movements or the leading and lagging relationship, will improve the performance of economic forecasting, which is related to the decision-making quality of business operators. Therefore, it has attracted much attention from the economic and management academia. From the interactive perspective of globalization, Taiwan is a small open economy that relies much more on foreign economy and trade. A deep understanding of the positioning in international economic fluctuations will be necessary. However, in the past, for the international business cycle phenomenon involving Taiwan, most business variables use quarterly gross domestic product or monthly industrial production index data. Both of them have their own advantages and disadvantages in terms of information frequency and coverage, and they only cover simple correlations among economic variables or conditional correlations captured by designed statistical models. This study aims to analyze in detail the correlation structure between Taiwan and the international business cycle, and takes Taiwan and its major trading partners and competitors as the object. We use the monthly gross domestic product index to compare the international business cycle correlation among Taiwan and these countries. Decomposition method with various cyclical periods is used to properly decompose the business cycles of various countries, and then further examine the relationship patterns and changes between Taiwan and the international economy.
