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篇名 後疫情時代管理作為的挑戰嚴控或鼓舞的猶豫
卷期 22:2
並列篇名 The Challenges of Management Actions in the Post-Epidemic Era-Hesitation to Strict or Encouragement
作者 蔡秦倫夏侯欣鵬李仁豪鍾璧徽
頁次 001-022
關鍵字 目標動機與引導並濟領導模式目標焦點型領導成就目標導向領導者-成員交換關係風險追求/風險規避與內/外成員Goal-motivation leadershipGoal-focused leadershipMembers’ achievement goalsLeader-member exchangeRisk/averse-oriented vs. In/out-group members
出刊日期 202408




This study integrates theoretical perspectives, including goal-focused leadership, path-goal, and goal-setting theories. Through factor analysis, three types of supervisor's management behaviors in the post-pandemic era were extracted: initiating structure, motivating employees, and focusing on outcomes. The study examines whether these supervisors' management behaviors influence the deployment of achievement goals among subordinates, including mastery approach, mastery avoidance, performance approach, and performance-avoidance goals, ultimately enhancing job performance. Additionally, the study employs leader-member exchange relationships and risk preference theory to differentiate subordinate attributes, including risk-oriented ingroup members and risk-averse outgroup members, to assess the differential impact of supervisor's management behaviors on the achievement goals of these two groups. The research sample comprises 374 employees from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Taiwan. The research findings indicate that in the post-pandemic era, supervisors' motivation-promoting and outcome-focused behaviors have a more significant impact on subordinates' job performance than initiating structure, particularly among subordinates with mastery-approach goals. These behaviors are especially effective in motivating subordinates to enhance their job performance. Additionally, there are differential effects of the supervisor's management behaviors on the achievement goals of the two groups of subordinates.
