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篇名 分組與否於筆譯技巧訓練效果的比較研究
卷期 23:1
並列篇名 To Group or Not to Group in Basic Translation Technique Training
作者 強勇傑
頁次 051-080
關鍵字 筆譯技巧個人作業團體作業合作學習translation techniquesindividual workgroup workcollaborative learning
出刊日期 202406


本研究比較大學部基礎筆譯課程中個人作業與團體作業對於英譯中筆譯技巧訓練的效果差異,關注重點在於訓練後的個人獨立翻譯能力。針對修習同樣課程的兩班背景相似的學生各30 人設定相同條件,包括同樣的教學模式、內容、與作業,僅完成作業的方式不同:一班採團體合作,另一班採個人獨做。為檢驗結果,設計前後測與11 項基本筆譯技巧作為評量指標,比較兩班學生在前後測中筆譯技巧的進步情況,以確認何種方式較佳。研究結果顯示,受團體作業訓練的學生,其個人的獨立筆譯技巧進步情況顯著優於受個人作業訓練的學生,代表對翻譯初學者而言,合作學習對筆譯技巧的訓練效果較佳。此外,檢視兩班學生的技巧運用狀況,可知重組與反面著筆為學生最少運用的技巧,需於日後加強訓練;而減譯、語態轉換、詞類轉換為學生最常運用的技巧,尤其減譯在英譯中所占的運用比例最高。


This study investigates the comparative effectiveness of group exercises versus individual exercises in training English-to-Chinese translation techniques within an undergraduate basic translation course, with a specific focus on post-training independent translation competence. Two classes, each comprising 30 students with similar backgrounds, were subjected to identical conditions—same course content, same pedagogical strategies, and same exercise texts. The only difference was that one class worked collaboratively in groups while the other worked individually to complete the exercises. Pretest and posttest assessments were conducted, with eleven translation techniques identified as standards for evaluating the progress of the participants. By comparing the progress of the two classes, the study aimed to determine the better approach for cultivating translation techniques. The results revealed that the participants engaged in group work exhibited significantly higher levels of post-training independent development in translation techniques compared to those working individually, demonstrating that collaborative learning yielded more favorable outcomes for novice students in terms of translation technique training. Besides, the findings from the participants’ performance in the tests indicated that Recasting and Perspective Reversal were the two least utilized techniques, which required further pedagogical attention. On the other hand, Reduction, Voice Conversion, and Transposition emerged as the most frequently employed techniques. Remarkably, the reduction skill occupied a predominant proportion in English-to-Chinese translation.
