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篇名 Josef Derbolav 普通教育學之探究
卷期 23:1
並列篇名 Inquiry into Josef Derbolav’s General Pedagogy
作者 梁福鎮
頁次 025-050
關鍵字 Josef Derbolav實踐學普通教育學綜合教育學ProxiologyGeneral PedagogyComprehensive Pedagogy
出刊日期 202406


本文採用教育詮釋學方法,進行Derbolav 普通教育學的探究。Derbolav 的普通教育學深受Plato 回憶理論、Aristotle 實踐概念、Kant 實踐優位、Hegel 辯證觀點和Marx 實踐觀點的影響。其普通教育學的主要內涵有教育理論、陶冶理論、研究方法論、學校理論和學術理論。Derbolav 普通教育學具有釐清學習理論和教學理論的問題、闡明教育與陶冶的意義、目的與理想、解決哲學與科學研究方法對立的問題、提出實踐學學校理論反思批判的看法和建立教育科學理論獨特的觀點等優點,但是也存在著忽略實踐概念非屬人類或超越人類的性質、自我實現可能受到教育目的預期內容限制和缺乏確定的規範無法提供問題解決的基礎等問題。儘管如此,Derbolav 的普通教育學仍然非常重要,對我國教育學術具有許多重要的啟示,相當值得我國做為建立教育理論和改善教育實踐的參考。


This article used educational hermeneutics method to investigate Josef Derbolav’s general pedagogy. The origins of Derbolav’s general pedagogy was affected by Plato’s memory theory, Aristotle’s practice concept, Kant’s practice superiority, Hegel’s dialectic perspective and Marx’s practice viewpoint. The contents of his general pedagogy include educational theory, cultivation theory, methodological theory, school theory and academic theory. Derbolav’s general pedagogy has many advantages, such as articulating problems of learning and instructional theories, explaining meanings, aims and ideals of education and cultivation, solving confront problem of philosophical and scientific methods, proposing a reflective critique viewpoint of proxiological school theory and building unique perspective of educational theory. It also has some problems, such as ignoring unhuman or over-human character of practical concept, selfrealization can limit to expect contents of educational goal and due to shortage of specific norms can’t offer the basis of problem solution. Nevertheless, Derbolav’s general pedagogy is still very important. It has many important implications for educational academia, it can help our country to establish educational theory and improve of educational practice. Therefore, it deserves us to pay attention.
