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篇名 當學校遇上SDGs:怎麼看?怎麼做?
卷期 23:1
並列篇名 When Schools Meet the SDGs: How to Perceive? How to Act?
作者 孫志麟
頁次 001-024
關鍵字 永續發展永續發展目標永續發展教育全學校取向Sustainable DevelopmentSustainable Development Goals Education for Sustainable Development the Whole-School Approach
出刊日期 202406


永續發展是全球關注的焦點議題。聯合國於2015 年公佈實施《轉化我們的世界:2030年永續發展議程》,提出永續發展目標(SDGs),作為邁向2030 年的藍圖。教育是實現永續發展目標的基礎。然而,國內有關學校參與永續發展目標議題的探討相當不足,尚有再開拓與發展的空間。面對永續發展目標的挑戰與趨勢,學校該怎麼看?要怎麼做?本研究旨在解讀永續發展目標的形成背景、結構與內容、學習目標與永續素養,以及探討學校實踐永續發展目標的治理途徑,期能為中小學參與永續發展議題的推展有所借鏡與啟示。在梳理既有文獻和相關研究的基礎上,本研究從全學校取向的觀點,建構了學校實踐永續發展目標的驅動模式。此一模式包括:永續治理、能量建立、課程與教學、學習動能、永續校園、夥伴協作等六大支柱,構成永續發展目標教育的整全架構,可作為中小學推動永續發展議題之行動指引。學校可參考此一模式規劃實施方案與行動策略,結合利害關係者共同參與,以發揮教育促進實踐永續發展目標的力量。


Sustainable development is a globally focused issue. In 2015, the United Nations announced the "Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development," which sets forth sustainable development goals (SDGs) as a blueprint for 2030. Education is the foundation for achieving SDGs. However, there is a significant lack of discourse domestically concerning school engagement with SDGs, leaving ample room for further exploration and development. This article aims to interpret the background, structure and content, learning objectives, and sustainability competences of the SDGs. Additionally, it explores governance pathways for schools to implement SDGs, with the hope of providing insights and inspiration for the involvement of primary and secondary schools in sustainable development issues. Based on a review of existing literature and research, this article adopts a whole-school approach to construct a driving model for practicing the SDGs. This model includes six pillars: sustainability governance, capacity building, curriculum and teaching, empowered learning, sustainable campus, and collaborative partnerships. These pillars form an integrative framework for schools to implement the SDGs, serving as a practical guide for action. Schools can reference this model to develop action plans and implementation strategies, combining stakeholder participation to harness the power of education in promoting the implementation of SDGs.
