
The Journal of Nursing Research MEDLINESCIEScopusSSCITSSCI

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篇名 Perceived Social Isolation Among Patients With Multiple Sclerosis Suffering From Disease-Induced Pain and Disability
卷期 32:4
頁次 007-007
關鍵字 disability statuspain intensitysocial isolationmultiple sclerosisMEDLINEScopusSSCITSCITSSCISCIE
出刊日期 202408
DOI 10.1097/jnr.0000000000000624



Background: Patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) face a wide range of symptoms, including physical disability, imbalance, motor disorders, and acute and chronic pain. The psychosocial consequences of these symptoms may limit social well-being and quality of life in these patients. Purpose: The aim of the study was to assess self-perceived social isolation among patients with MS and its relationship with pain intensity and disability status. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 200 patients with MS referred to neurology wards and clinics, the MS Association, and rehabilitation centers. Data collection tools used included a demographic information form, Numeric Pain Rating Scale, Expanded Disability Status Scale, and Social Isolation Questionnaire. Results: The mean scores of 4.66 (SD = 1.15) for disability and 4.18 (SD = 2.22) for pain intensity both indicated moderate levels of both. Of the sample, 21.5% (43 patients) reported no pain, 22.5%(n = 45) reported mild pain, 35% (n = 70) reported moderate pain, and 21%(n = 42) reported intense pain. The average social isolation score was 63.52 (SD = 3.32), which is higher than the theoretical average. Of the sample, 44.5% reported low social isolation, whereas 55.5%indicated high social isolation. Gender, duration of MS, economic status, disability status, and pain intensity were all found to be significantly associated with social isolation in patients with MS (all ps < .05). Conclusions: Based on the findings, comprehensive support plans are necessary to improve psychosocial well-being, social life, and quality of life in patients with MS.
