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篇名 應用方法目的鏈探討消費者對綠色旅遊與綠色消費價值之研究
卷期 19:1
並列篇名 Using Means-End Chain to Explore the Value of Consumers' Green Consumption in Green Tourism
作者 張德儀熊偉伶蔡宜穎
頁次 027-056
關鍵字 綠色旅遊綠色消費消費價值方法目的鏈Green TourismGreen ConsumptionConsumption ValueMeans-End Chain
出刊日期 202206
DOI 10.6572/JHT.202206_19(1).0002




The purpose of this study is applying the means-end chain theory to explore tourists on green tourism products and consumption value, to provide the structure of the industry's product design strategy and competition model. Firstly, data collection and analysis are carried out by soft ladder interview method and content analysis method. Secondly, sample selection-A total of 60 respondents who have experienced green tourism were selected for interviews by snowball sampling method. Through the consumption experience and actual experience process of tourists, the consumption value and cognition were generated, to understand the consumption value and consumption decision of tourists purchasing green tourism products. Finally, the results of the study showed that in the category of green tourism consumption, consumers are the most importance of consumption value to open-minded, to boost the local economy and sustainable development. Moreover, the research regarding the green tourism provides a product/service attributes proposed several suggestions for the tourism industry who do for reference to conduct product positioning, market segmentation and formulation of marketing strategies.
