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篇名 適性化的素描技能學習與創造思考教學之實施與成效:以數位媒體設計系設計素描課程為例
卷期 114=20:1
並列篇名 The Application and Evaluation of Adaptive Learning of Sketching and Teaching of Creative Thinking: Using the Design Drawing Course in the Department of Digital Media Design as an Example
作者 林昭宇
頁次 165-197
關鍵字 設計素描適性教學創造思考FTC視覺藝術批評模式design drawing courseadaptive instructioncreative thinkingFTC modelTHCI
出刊日期 202406




This study is dedicated to adaptive learning of sketching and teaching of creative thinking to enhance learning effectiveness in the course of design drawing for the Department of Digital Media Design. In the sketching training stage, adaptive approach of modeling and the different levels of curriculum content helped students to plan the learning sequence according to their own starting abilities. In the design project stage, creative problem solving (CPS) approach, adaptive curriculum framework of creativity and FTC (Form, Theme and Context) model were used to integrate theoretical exploration and creative practice in order to construct creative and critical thinking in implementation of a design project based on teamwork. The mixed methods research was applied through quantitative tools (sketching of the fine arts college entrance examination, personal sketching assignment, learning interest survey, the degree of creativity in the 5 phases of CPS and group project assignment) and qualitative data (student learning feedback) to assess students' learning interest and their learning effectiveness. The results of the sketching training stage show that students can independently plan their rhythms of learning according to personal abilities, which help stimulate their learning interest, ultimately enhancing the learning effectiveness of sketching skills. The results of the design project stage indicate that the team members in the development process of creative thinking on design topics can help stimulate their learning interest among critical dialectics of the form, communication of the theme and reflective dialogue of the context, ultimately enhancing creative thinking. Finally, this paper provides relevant suggestions for similar design courses in adaptive education for future research references.
