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篇名 視聽交融下的悲秋體悟:《秋》的敘事結構及潛文本分析
卷期 114=20:1
並列篇名 The Comprehension of Autumn-Sadness underlying the Visual and Auditory Fusion: The Narrative Structure and Subtext Analysis of “Autumn”
作者 吳孟珊
頁次 121-163
關鍵字 敘事結構潛文本悲秋文學跨領域藝術narrative structuresubtextautumn-sadness literatureautumninterdisciplinary artsTHCI
出刊日期 202406




The interdisciplinary artwork “Autumn”, playing the Erhu and piano as the music carrier, blending dance and multimedia, presents the visual and auditory fusion of the interdisciplinary performance. As the artwork of blending music, dance, and multimedia, it presents the interdisciplinary art and performance, beyond traditional single auditory or visual works, to embody the interweaving of sight and hearing indispensably. This study focuses on text analysis from two aspects. The first is narrative structure, to analyze the form of content, substance of content, from of expression and substance of expression. From the text structure, this study explores the events, characters, and backgrounds, discussing deeply the medium and method of expression, furthermore, to reveals the subtext underlying the surface text, and to highlight the influence of cultural deposits on the creators. This study finds that all creators reach a consensus through communication and coordination, to create the interdisciplinary arts with new values, different from one single artistic discipline. Music, as the main backbone, provide the structure for the works, with coherence and stability. Dance and multimedia act as go-betweens and echoes to play the roles of visual elements. Through a variety of communication and dialogue by the means of music, dance and multimedia, the text of “Autumn” presents rich texture and obvious narrative structure. The subtext (autumn-sadness literature) underlying the narrative structure not only affects the artistic actions of the creators, but also forms the main creative intention. The autumn-sadness literature underlying the surface text enables the audience to resonate with autumn-sadness in the process of visual and auditory blending by music, dance and multimedia.
