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篇名 臺灣兒童圖畫書插畫創作環境現況:出版端與創作端的共識與歧異
卷期 114=20:1
並列篇名 Illustration Creation Environment of Picture Books for Children in Taiwan: Consensus and Discrepancies Between the Editors and Illustrators
作者 伊彬林昕怡
頁次 097-120
關鍵字 兒童圖畫書創作環境插畫家編輯出版社picture bookcreating environmentillustratoreditorpublishing houseTHCI
出刊日期 202406




During the past two decades of decline in the publishing industry in Taiwan, children’s literature has exhibited a remarkable trend of growth. However, as illuminated by the seminal study conducted by I and Liu in 2007, the creation environment of illustration of picture books, which are the representation in children’s literature, still has possibilities for refinement. This research, employing a structured questionnaire, undertakes an investigation involving nine editors and twenty illustrators selected through stratified sampling. The outcomes of this study demonstrate a shared concern among illustrators and editors alike for the outcomes of picture books, but in different way according their respective roles. The recommendations are: For editors: 1. Expand the market through various avenues; 2.Cultivate a fine environment for creators; 3.Enhance editorial expertise. As for illustrators: 1. Augment their perspectives, cultural acumen, and creative profession; 2. Attain a comprehension of publishing house's publishing plan; 3. Engage alternative for publication and exposure beyond publishing house.
