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篇名 淺析網路APP會員之數位隱私權保護-從全聯PXPay結合全支付電子支付談起
卷期 114=20:1
並列篇名 A Brief Analysis of the Digital Privacy Protection of Online APP Members - From PX Mart’s PXPay Combining PXPay Plus
作者 蔡孟修
頁次 073-095
關鍵字 智慧型手機APP數位隱私權資訊安全smartphoneAPPdigital privacy rightsinformation securityTHCI
出刊日期 202406




Smartphones are convenient tools for modern people, but apps often violate users’ privacy rights. Given the vast reach of the Internet, personal information can be transmitted to any corner of the world, resulting in more unpredictable information security incidents. Therefore, the protection of personal privacy in the digital world deserves further attention. This article intends to use the APP of PX Mart’s members familiar to consumers combined with the PXPay Plus APP as an example to illustrate the digital privacy risks that smartphone users may encounter. In addition to basic personal information, financial data, consumption data, and daily location tracking all are recorded in network system for big data statistics, and then for commercial advertisement placement. This article intends to outline possible protection mechanisms.
