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篇名 報導攝影的人道關懷與源流──以王信與關曉榮為例
卷期 114=20:1
並列篇名 Humanitarian Concerns and Origins of Reportage Photography As Example of Wang Hsin and Kuan Hsiao-Jung
作者 姜麗華
頁次 051-071
關鍵字 報導攝影人道關懷王信關曉榮reportage photographyhumanitarian concernWang HsinKuan Hsiao-JungTHCI
出刊日期 202406




This article delves into the formation and positioning of reportage photography, clarifying the definition and developmental context of the term and referencing the works of two early Taiwanese reportage photographers, Wang Hsin and Kuan Hsiao-Jung. Both Wang and Kuan are influenced by Western photographer William Eugene Smith and create photography works that showcase forms and styles with distinctive humanitarian undertones. The article investigates the meaning behind their works, which they created with ample time and effort, and their humanitarian concern, which reflects their views on photography ethics and the social environment of Taiwan's indigenous people at that time. The works of the two artists embody the concept of using reportage photography to aid social improvement. As a pioneer in reportage photography in Taiwan, Wang Hsin observed and documented the lives of Indigenous people with a humanistic perspective, presenting moving and reflective visual expressions. Wang proposes that people should understand indigenous culture with a fair and impartial mindset, highlighting their authentic and pure nature rather than imposing. Kuan Hsiao-Jung has long been concerned with neglected ethnic conflicts and uses a simple and humane approach as his inner drive to conduct on-site photography shootings. Kuan’s picture stories, which excel in both image and text, relay the mission of improving social structures. The last section of this article examines the evolution of reportage photography, and explains how reportage photography’s mission of promoting social reform can continue to thrive in the face of today's world of faster digital transmission and the widespread accessibility of computer network media.
