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篇名 從原社與卡塔文化的文化創業歷程談傳統藝術本真性之追溯與實踐
卷期 114=20:1
並列篇名 Tracing and Practicing the Authenticity of Traditional Arts: The Cultural Entrepreneurship Journey of an Indigenous Art Workshop
作者 汪冠廷
頁次 033-050
關鍵字 文化創業本真性拼裝原住民族知識體系傳統藝術媽媽創業authenticitytraditional artbricolagecultural entrepreneurshipindigenous knowledge systemmumpreneurTHCI
出刊日期 202406




Through investigations and mapping of traditional territories and spaces, contemporary indigenous young people seek to connect with their indigenous authenticity, addressing the anxiety caused by cultural ruptures in modern daily life and strengthening their identity. In this context, does the investigation of traditional arts work in the same way? How does it open new horizons for indigenous culture? This research focuses on the “Aboriginal Life DIY Hall” in Taitung and its successor, the “Ata Beads Workshop”. It examines the pragmatic and flexible cultural entrepreneurship process of this organization, investigating how it retraces and establishes the authenticity and knowledge of traditional arts through the development of the Paiwan “qkata” glass bead craftsmanship within the cultural and creative industries. Lastly, by juxtaposing the axes of “cultural entrepreneurship” and “authenticity retracing,” this article highlights the simultaneous movement of drawing inspiration from the core of traditional art's authenticity and actively finding new paths through cultural entrepreneurship. This presentation offers a vibrant and dynamic portrayal of contemporary indigenous peoples.
