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篇名 澎湖縣表演藝術的演出製作現狀與未來
卷期 114=20:1
並列篇名 The Current Status and Future of Performing Arts Production in Penghu County
作者 紀家琳林璞
頁次 001-031
關鍵字 澎湖縣表演藝術演出製作地方政策Penghu Countyperforming artsproductionlocal policyTHCI
出刊日期 202406




The data for this academic journal article are all based on the "Evaluation Report on the Investigation of Performing Arts and Cultural Affairs in Penghu County and the Procurement of Professional Health Check Services for Performing Arts Halls in 2021." The local performing arts and cultural ecology survey research primarily used data from the years 2018-2020, and this paper rewrites it in the form of a thesis. The research has two main objectives: first, to conduct on-site investigations and team interviews regarding the production of performing arts in Penghu County based on the obtained information, analyzing the current status of production, and providing policy recommendations for the locality; second, to establish the basic framework and methodology of this research to serve as literature and reference material for future researchers. The research methodology involves both qualitative and quantitative approaches, including online seminars, multiple research team meetings, field surveys, on-site team focus interviews, and questionnaires for performing arts groups in Taiwan. The findings are then synthesized to draw conclusions and provide recommendations.
