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篇名 國中生的家庭社經地位與做家事時間成長軌跡對學習成就的影響
卷期 152
並列篇名 The Impact of Junior High School Students’ Family Socioeconomic Status and Growth Trajectory on Housework Time on Academic Achievement
作者 張芳全
頁次 312-342
關鍵字 放學後做家事時間家庭社經地位學習成就潛在成長模式academic achievementfamily socioeconomic statushousework time after schoollatent growth mode
出刊日期 202407
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.202407_(152).0010




The impact of changes in the time that junior high school students spent doing housework after school on their academic achievement is an issue worth exploring. What if students’ family socioeconomic status was included in the analysis of this issue? The main purpose of this study is to use the learning status database of junior high school students in Keelung City to analyze the trajectory of the time spent doing housework after school among 1,234 students in the five semesters, and to understand the impact of changes in family socioeconomic status and time spent doing housework on academic achievement. The study showed: Junior high school students the trajectory of the time students spent doing housework after school showed a W-shaped trend; the time spent doing housework in the second semester of seventh grade and eighth grade was significantly higher than that in the first semester of ninth grade, while there was no significant difference between other semesters. The second semester of seventh grade had the most time doing housework. The first semester of ninth grade was the least. The higher the socioeconomic status of a student’s family, the less time they had to do housework. The socioeconomic status of the family had no significant impact on changes in time spent doing housework. However, the socioeconomic status of the family still had a significant positive impact on academic achievement. The more time spent doing housework in seventh grade, the worse the academic achievement in ninth grade. However, changes in housework time had no significant impact on academic achievement; the time spent doing housework in seventh grade had a partial mediating effect between family socioeconomic status and academic achievement. However, changes in housework time had no mediating effect. The characteristic of this study was that it was found that the time students spent doing housework after school showed a W-shaped trend over time. Family socioeconomic status only had a negative impact on the time spent doing housework in seventh grade, but had no significant impact on changes in subsequent semesters; The more time spent doing housework, the worse the academic achievement in ninth grade. However, long-term changes in time spent doing housework have no significant impact on academic achievement.
