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篇名 國民小學校長韌性領導實踐之個案研究
卷期 152
並列篇名 A Case Study on Resilient Leadership Practices of an Elementary School Principal
作者 吳祥誌賴志峰
頁次 238-268
關鍵字 國民小學校長韌性韌性領導elementary school principalresilienceresilient leadership
出刊日期 202407
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.202407_(152).0008




This study aims to explore the practice of resilient leadership by principals to understand the process through which they lead school members in overcoming adversity. The study employs a case study approach, focusing on an elementary school. Data for this study are collected through interviews, document analysis, and field notes. After analyzing, interpreting, and synthesizing the data, the following conclusions are drawn: 1. The principal has the ability to think strategically, be professionally sophisticated, lead change, and manage emotions and interpersonal skills. 2. The principal demonstrates excellence in realizing vision, fostering shared growth, coordinating organizational operations, building a positive organizational culture, and strengthening social relationships. 3. The principal’s resilient leadership creates positive change for school constituents while maintaining strong ties to the community and is recognized externally for doing what it does. The principal has a strong sense of responsibility for the school. The principal’s resilient leadership produces positive change for school members while maintaining strong ties to the community and external recognition of the school’s performance.
