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篇名 計量SWOT分析之應用
卷期 152
並列篇名 Application of quantitative SWOT
作者 葉連祺
頁次 146-237
關鍵字 SWOTTOWS策略分析計量SWOTTOWSSWOTstrategic managementquantitative SWOT
出刊日期 202407
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.202407_(152).0007




SWOT analysis can provide the better decision making after evaluate organizational strengths and weaknesses as well as environmental opportunities and threats. It prevails among managers and researchers because it is easy to use. In general, users conduct SWOT in qualitative discussion way, and rarely take notice of the topics and quantitative analysis of SWOT. The study pointed out the researches and related developments toward SOFT, SWOT, TOWS, OTSW and WOTS, and also investigated the operations of SWOT and other qualitative and quantitative analysis. One quantitative analytic method integrated with statistical analysis was proposed. Moreover several programs for quantitative SWOT analysis were designed suitable to SPSS. These programs were tested with data to show how to use. The result indicated the new methods and analytic programs performed well.
