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篇名 探引進外籍教師的挑戰與機遇:五位中學國際部外師的訪談研究
卷期 152
並列篇名 Exploring the Challenges and Opportunities of Hiring Foreign Teachers: An Interview Study of Five Foreign Teachers from an International Department of a Private High School
作者 朱浩誠
頁次 027-058
關鍵字 外籍教師教師流動率foreign teacherteacher turnover
出刊日期 202407
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.202407_(152).0002




The aim of this study was to uncover the challenges encountered by five foreign teachers in a Tainan City high school with an international department through in-depth interviews. The findings sought to inform the government and education sector to develop more targeted policies and measures to attract more foreign teachers to teach in Taiwan. This study employed a diverse data collection strategy, primarily using a semi-structured interview research method, combined with Nguyen’s teacher turnover theory framework to explore the challenges faced by foreign teachers in Tainan. The findings revealed that foreign teachers lacked administrative and legal support in Taiwan, coupled with frequent transportation disruptions, leading to a lack of a sense of security in daily life. Additionally, school administrators failed to understand and prioritize the needs of teaching, resulting in a lack of English instructions in daily life and work settings, as well as cultural value conflicts in the workplace, leading to a lack of respect for foreign teachers. Lastly, regarding the recruitment of foreign teachers, this study highlighted the untapped potential of a significant number of foreigners already in Taiwan but not included in the TFETP. The interviewed foreign teachers acknowledged Taiwan as an ideal living environment, but they struggled with balancing work and life, expressing hopes for optimized regulations, addressing transportation safety, establishing performance systems, and support networks. The successful integration of foreign teachers into Taiwan and their establishment of a sense of mission here relied on more respect and understanding.
