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篇名 國中生放學後看電視時間變化與學習成就對於近視度數的影響
卷期 152
作者 張芳全
頁次 001-026
關鍵字 近視度數看電視時間潛在成長模式學習成就myopia degreeTV viewing timelatent growth modelacademic achievement
出刊日期 202407
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.202407_(152).0001




The main purpose of this study is to explore the impact of changes in TV viewing time and academic achievement of junior high school students on the degree of myopia. It tracked the data of 3,487 students in four semesters from the learning status database of junior high school students in Keelung City. Through one-way repeated measure analysis of variance, regression analysis and latent growth model analysis showed that the time spent watching TV after school among junior high school students in the four semesters showed a wave-like pattern between different semesters. The time spent watching TV in the second semester of seventh grade and eighth grade and the first semester of ninth grade was significantly higher than that in the first semester of eighth grade. Watching TV in seventh grade had a positive and significant impact on the degree of myopia. However, changes in TV viewing time in the fourth semester had no significant impact on the degree of myopia. The more time the seventh-grade students spent watching TV after school, the worse their academic performance will be. The more time the fourth-grade students watched TV after school, the worse their academic performance will be. The higher the academic achievement of junior high school students, the higher the degree of myopia. TV viewing time after school in the seventh grade had a negative partial mediating effect through academic achievement on myopia degree. However, TV viewing time after school in the fourth semester had no mediating effect through academic achievement on myopia degree. The more time students watched TV, the worse their academic performance was; the better their academic performance was, the higher their myopia; however, changes in TV viewing time had no significant impact on myopia. Schools, teachers and parents should pay attention to the relationship between students’ TV viewing time, school-work and myopia degree, so as to avoid students’ schoolwork burden, which will increase myopia degree.
