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篇名 生醫個資利用之倫理與法遵考量
卷期 28:4
並列篇名 Ethical and Legal Aspects in the Use of Biomedical Data
作者 劉宜亷林瑞珠范建得
頁次 426-433
關鍵字 肺癌篩檢低劑量電腦斷層篩檢(LDCT)概括同意倫理及法律與社會意涵(ELSI)退出人體生物資料庫人體生物資料庫管理條例lung cancer screeninglow dose computed tomography broad consentethical, legal and social implications op-outbiobankhuman biobank management actTSCI
出刊日期 202407
DOI 10.6320/FJM.202407_28(4).0004




The Taoyuan City Government has implemented the "Taoyuan early Lung Cancer Screening Program" from March 2023, providing free low-dose computed tomography lung cancer screening (LDCT) services to citizens over 40 years old with lung cancer risk factors. By the end of 2023, nearly 20,000 people have been screened. Since the screening program involves the collection, storage and subsequent use of a large amount of personal health data, how to use this data to provide public health policy and precision medicine research, and avoid constitutional violations when using personal data is a concern. This article examines the part of the Taiwan Constitutional Court's Judgment No. 13 of 2022 regarding the constitutional protection of the right to privacy of personal information, and examines whether the collection, storage and use of personal data in this screening program complies with ethical and legal considerations, such as whether there are complete participants in advance notification and subsequent withdrawal mechanisms, whether screening results or incidental findings are reported back to participants, and whether there is an independent supervisory authority. This article will serve as important references for the public health department in planning and building a biobank in the future.
