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篇名 加護病房藥物之相關問題
卷期 28:4
並列篇名 Drug-Related Problems in the Intensive Care Units
作者 郭秀玲林文德
頁次 415-425
關鍵字 藥物相關問題藥師藥事照護加護病房drug-related problemspharmacistpharmaceutical careICUTSCI
出刊日期 202407
DOI 10.6320/FJM.202407_28(4).0003


基於用藥安全的重要性,本研究分析台灣南部某教學醫院加護病房的藥物相關問題分布情形,以提供醫療人員相關藥學知識,期能減少藥物錯誤事件的發生。因此以2021年3月至2022年2月,入住加護病房20歲以上的病人為對象,進行橫斷式病歷回溯性研究,在利用描述性統計,呈現歐洲藥學照護網路基金會所建構的藥物相關問題分類系統(Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe- Drug Related Problems, PCNE-DRPs),之類型分布情況中發現,在354人的研究對象中有106人(29.9%)發生了142個藥物相關問題,其平均年齡72.8±13.3歲,男性占56.8%,用藥數平均為17.6±9.4種,藥物相關問題以藥物安全性占66.2%,而主要原因為藥物劑量38.5%與療效監測問題29.1%,所涉及的藥物有60.7%為抗生素,醫師也有73.2%的接受率與71.8%的問題解決率。整體而言,透過藥物相關風險的評估與管理,可提升藥物治療的有效性與安全性,從而促進病人的健康。


Based on the importance of medication safety, this study analyzes the distribution of drug-related problems in the intensive care units of a teaching hospital in southern Taiwan, aiming to provide reference for healthcare professionals and reduce the occurrence of medication errors. This study was a cross-sectional retrospective medical record review study. Patients over the age of 20 who were admitted to the ICU from March of 2021 to February of 2022. Descriptive statistics were used to present the distribution of drug-related problems. The clinical pharmacists identified 142 drug-related problems in 29.9% of 354 study population. The mean age of the participants was 72.8 ±13.3 years with male (56.8%) predominance and they took an average of 17.6 ± 9.4 medications. The principal problem was drug safety (66.2%). Regarding the cause of DRPs, the most frequently domains was dosing problems (38.5%), followed by therapeutic drug monitoring (29.1%). 60.7% of the drugs involved were antibiotics. For the clinical pharmacist interventions, the prescriber acceptance rate was 73.2% and 71.8% of the problems were solved. Overall, through the assessment and management of medication-related risks, the effectiveness and safety of medication treatment can be improved, thereby promoting the health of patients.
