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篇名 潛伏結核感染診斷與治療簡介
卷期 18:4
並列篇名 An Overview of the Diagnosis and Treatment of Latent Tuberculosis Infection
作者 李品慧
頁次 052-056
關鍵字 結核病潛伏結核感染2035年消除結核tuberculosislatent tuberculosis infectionend TB by 2035TSCI
出刊日期 202407
DOI 10.53106/199457952024071804007


結核病由結核分枝桿菌引起,透過空氣傳播,全球仍是重大公共衛生挑戰。根據WHO數據,2022年全球結核病例約有1,060萬,130萬人死亡。臺灣2023年報告6630確診個案及457死亡案例。潛伏結核感染(latent tuberculosis infection, LTBI)指結核菌在體內休眠,不致病也不具傳染性,但可能轉為活動性結核病。診斷依賴皮膚測試或血液檢測,治療目的是防止未來發展為活動性病例。針對高風險族群進行LTBI治療是全球消除結核病目標的重要策略之一,如接觸者、HIV感染者、以及具發病高風險之潛在疾病者等。治療方式包括多種藥物處方,並需監測副作用。臺灣政策已導入相關策略,以期達成2035年消除結核的目標。


Tuberculosis (TB), caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and transmitted through the air, remains a significant global public health challenge. According to the World Health Organization, in 2022, there were approximately 10.6 million TB cases worldwide, with 1.3 million deaths. In 2023, Taiwan reported 6,630 confirmed cases and 457 deaths. Latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) refers to a state where TB bacteria remain dormant in the body, neither causing disease nor being infectious, but having the potential to progress to active TB. Diagnosis of LTBI involves skin or blood tests, and the goal of treating LTBI is to prevent future progression to active disease. Treating LTBI in high-risk populations—such as close contacts of TB patients, individuals with HIV, and those with underlying conditions that increase the risk of disease activation—is a crucial strategy to eliminate TB worldwide. Treatment involves various drug regimens and require monitoring for potential side effects. Taiwan has implemented related strategies as part of its efforts to achieve the goal of ending TB by 2035.
