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篇名 針對腦神經科醫護人員早期安寧緩和療護線上課程之效益
卷期 18:4
並列篇名 Effectiveness of Online Early Hospice Palliative Care Communication Skills Training for Healthcare Personnel in Neurological Departments
作者 方基存陳思穎范伯辛林雨萱高振益林仲志唐婉如
頁次 042-051
關鍵字 早期安寧緩和照護溝通技巧訓練腦神經科線上教育early hospice palliative carecommunication skills trainingneurologyonline educationTSCI
出刊日期 202407
DOI 10.53106/199457952024071804006


結果:本研究發現實驗組醫護人員在溝通自信心(B=-5.456, p=0.341)及安寧準備度(B=-0.612, p=0.667)上,與控制組醫護人員並無不同。


Purpose: This study developed an online early hospice palliative care (EHPC) communication skills training (CST) course for healthcare personnel (HCP) and the effectiveness of the course in enhancing HCP’s communication confidence and preparation to provide early palliative care was evaluated.
Methods: This single-blind experimental study recruited HCP from the neurological departments of a hospital and randomly assigned them (randomized stratified design) to an intervention group (n = 53) or a control group (n = 60). The intervention group participated in online EHPC CST, and the control group received regular in-service training. Data on their communication confidence and preparation to provide early palliative care were collected before (T0) and immediately after the intervention (T1). Hierarchical regression was used for data analysis.
Results: This study found no significant differences in communication confidence (B = −5.456, p = 0.341) and preparation to provide early palliative care (B = −0.612, p = 0.667) between the intervention and control groups.
Conclusion: Most participants already had appropriate perceptions and behaviors related to early palliative care, indicating that existing interventions offer limited potential for further improvement. However, in the context of COVID-19 pandemic, continuously designing and enhancing the quality of online education programs remains a critical area for ongoing effort.
