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篇名 外部認證對於創傷性腦損傷照護團隊之影響
卷期 18:4
並列篇名 Effect of DSC – TBI Certification on Traumatic Brain Injury Care
作者 黃馨慧陳珮郁董庭宇江靜楓許惠淑王拔群
頁次 034-040
關鍵字 財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會(醫策會)創傷性腦損傷照護品質認證整合照護Joint Commission of Taiwan Disease Specific Care–Traumatic Brain Injury integrated careTSCI
出刊日期 202407
DOI 10.53106/199457952024071804005




Purpose: In 2018, the Joint Commission of Taiwan launched the Disease Specific Care–Traumatic Brain Injury (DSC–TBI) certification program. This study examined domestic traumatic brain injury (TBI) care teams’ motivations for applying for DSC–TBI certification and the benefits of the certification for the teams.
Method: We evaluated the care teams’ motivations for applying for DSC–TBI certification. Moreover, the performance scores, and certification summary reports of the care teams that participated in the DSC–TBI certification program from 2019 to 2021 were examined. Furthermore, we investigated whether the performance and certification benefits differed among the teams from hospitals of different levels but with identical certification standards.
Result: The results revealed that the teams’ primary motivation for participating in the DSC–TBI certification program was to improve the quality of care provided. The performance of teams from medical centers in this accreditation was higher than that of teams from hospitals of other levels. Regarding the benefits of the certification, the quality of integrated care provided by the teams significantly improved after attaining the certification.
Conclusion: This study describes the common problems encountered by teams providing care for TBI, and TBI care teams should comprehensively inspect the integrated care provided. Health authorities should subsidize health-care.
