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篇名 臺中榮總智勇雙全:三度獲得智慧全機構分享
卷期 18:4
並列篇名 Taichung Veterans General Hospital's Journey: Three-Time Award-Winning as a Comprehensive Smart Hospital
作者 周怡汝劉時安
頁次 020-024
關鍵字 醫策會智慧全機構參賽經驗Joint Commission of Taiwan smart hospitalcompetition experienceTSCI
出刊日期 202407
DOI 10.53106/199457952024071804003




The National Healthcare Quality Award, overseen by the Joint Commission of Taiwan, is among the most challenging and forward-looking competitions in the medical field. Taichung Veterans General Hospital has repeatedly been recognized for its achievements in smart health care, winning the Smart Hospital award of the Healthcare Quality Improvement Campaign three consecutive times. Rapid advancements in digital applications have profoundly affected the medical field. Hospitals are actively promoting digital transformation by integrating cloud computing, big data analytics, and artificial intelligence technology to develop a smart health-care framework. During the National Healthcare Quality Award competition, the Taichung Veterans General Hospital conducted an in-depth evaluation of smart solutions in accordance with competition guidelines, meticulously planning each service process during the preparation stage to ensure successful certification. The hospital emphasized the importance of comprehensive cooperation across all departments, created detailed Gantt charts, and held multiple coordination meetings and drills to effectively demonstrate smart processes during on-site reviews. Support from top management and the collective effort of all staff were crucial to achieving these outstanding results. In this paper, we share the competition experience of the hospital, providing insights that can assist other medical institutions in their digital transformation and competition preparation.
