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篇名 融合創新與卓越:國家醫療品質獎引領的品質文化變革
卷期 18:4
並列篇名 Integrating Innovation and Excellence: Transforming Quality Culture Through Participation in the National Healthcare Quality Award
作者 沈華詩馬先芝陳柏齡賴佩君許志新李經維
頁次 006-012
關鍵字 國家醫療品質獎品質文化全面品質管理醫療品質病人安全national healthcare quality awardquality culturetotal quality managementhealthcare qualitypatient safetyTSCI
出刊日期 202407
DOI 10.53106/199457952024071804001


國立成功大學醫學院附設醫院(以下稱成大醫院)作為南臺灣唯一的國立大學醫學院附設醫院,融合創新與卓越,積極推動醫療品質與病人安全,形成了獨特的品質文化。2003年引入品質控制圈(以下稱品管圈)推動全面品質管理,2004年成立首個品質管理專責單位,鼓勵同仁自主發現問題並提出改善,並積極依據財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會(以下稱醫策會)舉辦的國家醫療品質獎(以下稱NHQA)競賽之設計理念,作為品質改善的催化劑。並藉由規劃和參與競賽,促成標竿學習、激發員工潛能,20年來致力多元均衡發展,屢獲佳績,2023年更榮獲智慧醫院全機構標章(Smart Hospital)與醫學中心特優機構的殊榮。成大醫院從塑造全院品質文化、落實病人安全管理,到導入智慧元素、發展智慧醫院,運用各種管理工具,逐步導入全面品質管理活動,致力成為卓越的醫療典範,以及民眾理想的健康照護中心。


As the only university-affiliated hospital in southern Taiwan, National Cheng Kung University Hospital integrates innovation and excellence, actively promoting medical quality and patient safety, thereby forming a unique quality culture. In 2003, the hospital introduced quality control circles to enhance total quality management, and in 2004, the hospital established its first dedicated quality management unit, encouraging staff to independently identify issues and propose improvements. The hospital has adopted the design concepts of the National Healthcare Quality Award organized by the Joint Commission of Taiwan as a catalyst for quality improvement. Through careful planning and participation in competitions, the hospital fosters benchmark learning and inspires staff potential. Over the past two decades, National Cheng Kung University Hospital has maintained a commitment to diverse and balanced development, achieving numerous accolades. In 2023, it was awarded the Smart Hospital certification and recognized as an outstanding medical center. National Cheng Kung University Hospital has gradually introduced total quality management activities by shaping a hospital-wide quality culture, implementing patient safety management, and incorporating smart elements to develop a smart hospital. Using various management tools, the hospital strives to become an exemplary medical institution and the ideal health-care center for the public.
