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篇名 國家檔案徵集策略之比較研究
卷期 23:1
並列篇名 A Comparative Study of Acquisition Strategies for Archives
作者 陳韻安陳淑美
頁次 072-087
關鍵字 國家檔案檔案徵集國家檔案徵集策略檔案法archivesarchives acquisitionarchives acquisition strategiesThe Archives Act
出刊日期 202406




The Archives Act, formally implemented in 2002, has not only ushered in a new era in archives management for government agencies in Taiwan, but also empowered the central archives authority-in-charge-- National Archives Administration (NAA) of the National Development Council-- to acquire archives from government agencies. It has been said that nothing can be accomplished without rules or standards. In this regard, every profession has its own operation standards and principles. Facing large amounts and different kinds of archives, NAA must conform to specific rules to collect and preserve archives. In other words, the archives acquisition strategy is relevant to the maintenance of archives quality. In 2006, NAA announced its acquisition strategies for archives, including seven subjects and 23 categories for archives collection. These strategies have been annually reviewed and slightly modified according to acquisition practices on a rolling basis for almost 20 years. With technological progress and environmental changes, and for the needs of the newly-built National Archives scheduled to open in 2025, the archives acquisition strategies must be overhauled so as to keep up with the times and meet the demands. To formulate an acquisition structure in terms of the depth and width, this study collected and organized related acquisition strategies adopted in Europe and America, as well as compared facets of management systems, appraisal standards, transfer principles, and current trends of electronic archives management for the reference of formulating Taiwan’s archives acquisition strategies.
