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篇名 從檔案資料看臺鐵淡水線之側線沿革與發展
卷期 23:1
並列篇名 The Branch Lines of the Taiwan Railway Tamsui Line in Archives: Evolution and Development
作者 王星淯洪致文
頁次 046-055
關鍵字 淡水線側線臺灣鐵路Tamsui Linebranch linesTaiwan Railways
出刊日期 202406




The predecessor of the MRT Tamsui Line was the well-known Taiwan Railway Tamsui Line, which commenced service on August 25, 1901. It was built for transporting building materials of the Western Trunk Line construction, and evolved into a significant passenger transportation route in Taipei area. It remained in operation until 1988 and was transformed into a MRT Line in 1997. There were several branch lines contributing to the evolution of the Taiwan Railway Tamsui Line, even with less public attention. This article examines five branch lines based on documents and records from the Taiwan Railway, historical maps, and aerial photographs. The objective of this research is to fill a vacancy of the previous studies.
