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篇名 機關文檔系統相關人員資安意識調查研究-以桃園市政府為例
卷期 23:1
並列篇名 A Survey Research on Cybersecurity Awareness of the Electronic Records Management Systems (ERMS) Related Staff: Taoyuan City Government as an Example
作者 劉穎芝林巧敏
頁次 024-045
關鍵字 資安意識文檔系統電子文件機關檔案檔案人員Cybersecurity AwarenessElectronic Record Management SystemsElectronic RecordsAgencies’ RecordsRecord Management Staff
出刊日期 202406




With the accumulation of electronic documents and records, the Electronic Records Management Systems (ERMS) related staff including records management and information staff play a key role at the frontline of cybersecurity management. This study used a survey questionnaire on the cybersecurity awareness of ERMS and its respondents were record management and information staff of the first-level departments in Taoyuan City. The results show that the staff’s overall cybersecurity awareness are positive and consistent. The facet that most of the staff place the most emphasis on and have the most confidence in the organization’s achievement is “incident notification.” However, the least emphasized facet is “access control” and the least confident facet is “backup mechanism.” To explore the cognition of cybersecurity awareness of record management and information staff, significant differences exist in “online behavior” and “incident notification.” In addition, for the cognition of cybersecurity awareness of staff with different backgrounds, significant differences exist in ages and training.
