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篇名 政治檔案條例修法與展望
卷期 23:1
並列篇名 Prospects on the Amendment of Political Archives Act
作者 林秋燕魏正卓錢曉珊
頁次 006-023
關鍵字 轉型正義政治檔案條例政治檔案檔案開放應用國家機密保護法國家情報工作法個人隱私transitional justicethe Political Archives Actpolitical archivesaccess to archivesthe Classified National Security Information Protection Actthe National Intelligence Work Actpersonal privacy
出刊日期 202406




Since the Political Archives Act was implemented on July 24, 2019, the National Archives Administration, National Development Council(NAA) has acquired political archives from various sources. To promote the public access of political archives, NAA has engaged in the reorganization and the digitization of political archives, and provided catalogues, indexes, and online full-text images to the public. However, some agencies failed to provide political archives to the public due to restrictions of other laws or considerations of national security and foreign relations, and it raised public concern. In addition, as the public has the access to political archives recorded from unconsented surveillance, the privacy protection of those who were recorded should be strengthened. After taking the development trend of international human rights and transformational justice into account, the Amendment of Political Archives Act is made to solve the conflicts among relevant laws, upgrade the legal system of archives acquisition and public access, clarify the truth and promote social reconciliation as an important milestone for transformational justice project.
