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篇名 日語教材「溝通主題」之考察分析-參照CEFR、JF Standard及臺灣第二外國語文課綱
卷期 39
並列篇名 Analysis of Communication Themes in Japanese Textbooks: based on CEFR, JF Standard, and Curriculum Guidelines of Second Foreign Language in Taiwan
作者 黃鈺涵
頁次 001-038
關鍵字 溝通主題教材分析CEFRJF Standard第二外國語文課綱communication themestextbook analysisCEFRJF StandardCurriculum Guidelines of Second Foreign Language
出刊日期 202406
DOI 10.30404/FLS.202406_(39).0001


隨著全球化的發展及教育國際化的趨勢,跨文化溝通的需求及能力愈來愈受到重視,在進行交流互動時,溝通主題也變得更為多元化。為因應上述全球環境的變化,外語教學中導入多元化溝通主題及使用情境之重要性亦與日俱增。本研究以歐洲CEFR、日本JF Standard、和臺灣第二外國語文課綱為考察對象,針對各語言指標所訂定的「溝通主題」進行比較分析,採用《Threshold Level》之分類基準,提示了20個類別的溝通主題及涵蓋項目,以補足現有分類項目之不足。此外,根據此溝通主題分類架構,考察臺灣及日本的日語初級教材中溝通主題之提示狀況,探討現行日語教材之傾向及不足之處。進行教材分析的同時,亦調整及增補溝通主題下之項目分類,進而建置較具系統性且適用於臺灣日語教學之溝通主題一覽表,期能作為今後日語教學設計、教材編寫及教材分析之參考。


With the progression of globalization and the trend towards internationalization in education, the demand for and importance of cross-cultural communication skills have increasingly been recognized. As interactions become more diverse, the themes of communication have also broadened. In response to these shifts in the global environment, the importance of integrating diverse communication themes and situations into foreign language education has grown over time. This study focuses on examining CEFR, JF Standard, and the Curriculum Guidelines of Second Foreign Languages in Taiwan. The author conducted a comparative analysis of the communication themes outlined in each language framework, using the classification criteria from "Threshold Level." This analysis resulted in the integration of 20 categories of communication themes. Based on this classification framework, the author examined the communication themes in beginner-level Japanese textbooks and explored the tendencies and shortcomings of current textbooks. During the textbook analysis, the author also refined the classification of communication themes. This refinement led to the development of a communication themes checklist more suitable for Japanese education in Taiwan, aiming to serve as a reference for future curriculum design, textbook editing, and textbook analysis in Japanese.
