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篇名 一位米勒費雪症候群病人重症照護經驗
卷期 20:3
並列篇名 Nursing Care Experiences in the Intensive Care Unit for a Patient with Miller Fisher Syndrome
作者 陳詩婷洪千雯張雅芳梁天麗
頁次 071-081
關鍵字 米勒費雪症候群呼吸道清除功能失效身體活動功能障礙焦慮Miller Fisher syndromeIneffective airway clearanceMobility impairmentAnxiety
出刊日期 202407




This study reports the nursing experience of a female patient diagnosed with Miller Fisher syndrome who experienced sudden limb weakness owing to acute peripheral neuropathy and underwent plasmapheresis in the intensive care unit (ICU). The nursing period extended from April 9 to 20, 2020. Data were collected through interviews, observations, physical examinations, and a review of medical records, and Gordon's Eleven Functional Health Patterns was used for assessment. During this period, the patient experienced an acute episode, which led to a series of physical and psychological impacts including ineffective clearance of respiratory secretions owing to respiratory muscle weakness, loss of autonomous control of limbs, uncertainty about disease prognosis, and economic distress due to interrupted employment. Data analysis identified several health issues including ineffective airway clearance, mobility impairment, and anxiety. The care process involved strategies such as diaphragm strengthening and cough function training and using high-frequency chest wall oscillation for effective sputum clearance. A collaborative rehabilitation plan including balance and eye movement training was developed with the rehabilitation team. Early interventions with cross-team collaboration, including traditional Chinese medicine consultations, were implemented to enhance muscle control. Psychological care focused on increasing disease awareness, providing religious support, and involving social workers to access social resources to enhance the patient's mental well-being and address anxiety. This care experience highlights the importance of tailoring care and rehabilitation plans to the different phases of the disease and degrees of nerve function involvement. Adapting strategies within the constraints of the ICU and encouraging continuous rehabilitation are crucial to reduce muscle strength loss during bed rest, thereby enhancing and extending the quality of rehabilitation. The patient's experience regarding nursing care can serve as a valuable reference for healthcare professionals to manage similar cases in the future.
