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篇名 以反覆性發燒合併腹痛表現之結核性腹膜炎
卷期 20:3
並列篇名 Tuberculous Peritonitis with Recurrent Abdominal Pain and Fever
作者 賴秀惠劉伊真周怡伶
頁次 054-061
關鍵字 發燒腹水結核性腹膜炎肺外結核FeverAscitesTuberculous peritonitisExtrapulmonary tuberculosis
出刊日期 202407




Tuberculous peritonitis is a rare and chronic peritoneal infection. Our patient, a 79-year-old male, presented with intermittent fever, abdominal pain, and ascites. Ascitic fluid analysis revealed an elevated white blood cell count, low glucose level, and increased lactate dehydrogenase levels. Abdominal ultrasound and computed tomography scans showed significant ascites, peritoneal enhancement, and peritoneal thickening. The initial diagnosis was bacterial peritonitis, and antibiotic therapy was administered. Subsequently, he developed recurrent fever and abdominal distension. Reevaluation revealed that the patient resided in a mountainous area at high risk for tuberculosis . An ascitic fluid test found elevated adenosine deaminase. After administering antituberculosis medication, his clinical symptoms improved, and he was discharged . After four weeks, an ascitic fluid culture test confirmed Mycobacterium tuberculosis. A definitive diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis was made, and the patient returned to normal life. Tuberculous peritonitis should be considered in the differential diagnosis to avoid treatment delays for patients with multiple tuberculosis risk factors, chronic abdominal symptoms, and lymphocytic predominance in ascitic fluid analysis.
