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篇名 運用資訊檢核系統提升藥物使用效益-以新型糖尿病藥物為例
卷期 20:3
並列篇名 Information Verification System to Enhance the Efficiency of Medical Prescriptions: A case Study with new Diabetes Medications
作者 郭秀玲林文德
頁次 033-040
關鍵字 資訊科技醫囑電子化臨床決策藥物處方Information technologyComputerized order entry systemClinical decision-makingDrug prescription
出刊日期 202407


美國醫學研究院提出健康資訊系統(Health Information Technology, HIT)是改善病人安全和提升醫療品質的重要策略,因此利用新增處方警示系統的藥品使用條件檢核功能,提升新進糖尿病藥物合理性使用的比率以及藥物費用支出的合理性狀況,以使醫療資源能有效的利用。





According to the National Academy of Medicine of the United States, health information technology (HIT) is an important strategy for improving patient safety and healthcare quality. To enhance the effective usage of medical resources, this study used the Verification of Medication Usage Conditions (Conditions) for Health Insurance Coverage (Coverage) function in the newly added medication alert system to improve the rational utilization rate of newly introduced diabetes medications and the reasonability of medication expenses.

Medication records of patients newly introduced to combination medications for diabetes were collected via a retrospective approach from July 2021 to June 2022. We evaluated whether the prescriptions and costs of these new medications, under the newly established Conditions mechanism, conformed to the listed medication usage regulations, as well as their usage across various departments based on descriptive statistical analysis.

Overall, the results indicated that family medicine, endocrinology, and nephrology were the departments most frequently using the two drugs. Following the implementation of the Conditions for Coverage system for diabetes, the rate of non-compliant prescriptions decreased from 27.2% to 9.9%, an improvement of 63.6%. Unreasonable medication expenses were reduced from NT$14,329 per month to NT$6,167 per month, a reduction of NT$8,162 per month, and an overall improvement rate of 57%. This could result in annual savings of nearly NT$100,000 in unreasonable medication expenses, which would significantly enhance the efficiency of medical prescriptions.

The integration of an information verification function into the computerized order entry system can promote the appropriateness of physicians’ prescription decisions and assist hospitals in managing medication expenses more effectively. Its application can assist hospitals in achieving an overall financial balance in healthcare, enhance healthcare quality, and contribute to the regulation of medical expenses.
