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篇名 高齡者人格特質、生命意義與生活適應之關聯性研究
卷期 20:3
並列篇名 Relationships Among Personality Traits, Meaning of Life, and Life Adaptation in Older Adults
作者 何清治蕭淑蕙劉紋妙洪錦墩
頁次 023-032
關鍵字 高齡者人格特質生命意義生活適應Older adultsPersonality traitsMeaning of lifeLife adaptation
出刊日期 202407







With changes in traditional family structures and functions, older adults face mental and physiological health declines. Further, they are confronted with issues such as personal loss and death. If older adults fail to adapt to lifestyle changes during advanced age, it may have negative psychological and emotional impacts or change their personality. This study investigated the relationships among personality traits, the meaning of life, and life adaptation in older adults aged 65 years and above.

This study involved older adults ≥65 years old in central Taiwan. Questionnaire surveys were conducted, including “basic personal information,” “personality traits,” “the meaning of life scale,” and “the life adaptation scale.” After receiving approval from the institutional review board, the questionnaires were distributed to 300 individuals, out of which 237 valid responses were collected, at an effective recovery rate of 79%. These data were analyzed using SPSS Windows software version 26.0.

The average age of the older adults was 78.7±1.36 years old. Most of the older adults were women (169, 71.3%), married (154, 65.0%), with elementary school education level and below (87, 36.7%), Buddhist (92, 38.8%), had average economic status (167, 70.5%), and reported normal health status (110, 46.4%). The average assessments for personality traits, the meaning of life, and life adaptation were moderate and above, relatively high, and moderate and above, respectively. Personality traits, meaning in life, and life adaptation assessments of older adults vary significantly by education level, economic status, and health condition. Personality traits can indirectly affect life adaptation by influencing one’s perception of the meaning of life.

Older adults tend to have optimistic personality traits, a positive sense of the meaning of life, and good life adaptation, whereas personality traits improve life adaptation by affecting one’s perception of the meaning of life. Therefore, older adults are encouraged to participate in community education and cultural activities. Furthermore, society should provide employment opportunities for them to be able to support themselves.
