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篇名 人生哲學課程對於職能治療學系學生心靈安適感之影響-前趨研究
卷期 22:2
並列篇名 The effect of philosophy of life courses on the spiritual well-being of Occupational Therapy students—a pilot study
作者 吳佳純楊茹惠吳明峰施以諾
頁次 043-048
關鍵字 醫學教育哲學課程平安平安量表Medical educationphilosophy courseshalomshalom scale
出刊日期 202406
DOI 10.53106/181020932024062202005


背景:哲學課程對醫學院校學生的影響是一個值得探討的問題,本前驅研究探討「人生哲學」課程對職能治療學系學生心靈安適感的影響。方法:受試者為新北市某大學職能治療學系學生34名,受試者在第一學期第三週、第一學期第十六週、第二學期第十六週完成三次「平安量表」以測其心靈安適感的分數。採用SPSS 20.0計算「平安量表」結果的差異。結果:學生「平安量表」平均分呈現連續上升趨勢,但未達到統計學顯著值。結論:職能治療學系學生在上完人生哲學課程後,心靈安適感平均分數有所提升。未來可以利用更大的樣本量和更多類型的研究工具來探索人生哲學課程對醫學教育的助益。


Background and purpose: The effect of philosophy courses on medical college students in a worthy issue, the pilot study explored the effect of "philosophy of life" courses on the spiritual well-being of occupational therapy students. Methods: The participants were 34 occupational therapy students from a university in New Taipei City, the participants completed three times "Shalom scale" in the third week of the first semester, sixteenth week of the first semester, and the sixteenth week of the second semester. The differences in "Shalom scale" results were calculated by SPSS 20.0. Results: The average scores of the students in the "Shalom Scale" showed successive increases, but it did not reach a statistically significant value. Conclusion: The average scores of occupational therapy students' sense of spiritual well-being increased after taking the philosophy of life course. In the future, larger sample sizes and more research equipments can be used to explore the benefit of philosophy of life courses to medical education.
