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篇名 醫療人員與社交型機器人於長照機構帶領音樂欣賞團體治療療效因子之比較研究
卷期 22:2
並列篇名 A comparative study of the therapeutic factor of music listening group therapy in elderly care center directed by social robot and medical staff
作者 廖吟凰邱惠婷吳佳純施以諾
頁次 019-029
關鍵字 音樂治療社交型機器人團體治療Music therapysocial robotgroup therapytherapeutic music comforter
出刊日期 202406
DOI 10.53106/181020932024062202002




Background and purpose: Many studies have explored the benefits of social robots in healthcare, but fewer have delved into their application and effects in music therapy groups. Nevertheless, this is an issue of great significance deserving further research. This study compares the therapeutic factors of music listening group activities led by social robots versus those led by medical staff in an elderly care center. Methods: This project employs a repeated measures design, building upon a pilot study involving 20 subjects aged above 65 years. These subjects underwent eight sessions of music listening group therapy under the supervision of social robots, followed by another eight sessions supervised by medical staff. The variances in therapeutic factors between these two groups were examined using a therapeutic-factor questionnaire administered immediately after the fourth and eighth week. Results: In week 8, the questionnaire scores for the music listening therapy group sessions directed by robots were either higher or equal to those in week 4 for 10 out of the 12 therapeutic factors. Specifically, the factors "Altruism," "Group cohesiveness," and "Imparting of information" reached statistically significant levels. Conversely, the scores for all 12 therapeutic factors in the sessions led by medical staff were higher or equal to those in the robot-led sessions, with each factor reaching statistical significance. Conclusions: Social robots may have applications in music therapy groups; however, music listening group therapy sessions supervised by real-person medical staff are still superior to those conducted by social robots.
