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篇名 教學創新與教學成效-以技職教育課程為例
卷期 524
並列篇名 Teaching innovation and teaching effectiveness-taking technical and vocational education courses as an example
作者 黃秀鳳
頁次 019-032
關鍵字 教學方法教學成效teaching methodsteaching effectiveness
出刊日期 202406




This study hopes that through the experiential teaching experiment process, theory and practice can be integrated into innovative teaching during teaching, and the most appropriate teaching methods and teaching techniques to improve students' learning ability can be obtained, and innovative teaching methods can be proposed and applied to courses. Research to understand the factors that affect students' learning effectiveness and improve students' independent learning ability through effective teaching methods. It is hoped that through the research of this project, we can propose how to make students motivated to learn and continue to learn. The course design of this innovative teaching method is applied in addition to long-term accounting-related courses, and it is hoped that it can be extended to other courses.
