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篇名 廟宇活動心流體驗及涉入程度對廟宇文創商品購買意願之研究
卷期 524
並列篇名 Studying the Effect of Temple Flow Experience and Involvement Degree on the Purchase Intention for Cultural and Creative Commodities
作者 王強強
頁次 001-018
關鍵字 廟宇文創商品心流體驗涉入程度購買意願Temple Cultural and Creative GoodsFlow ExperienceDegree of InvolvementPurchase Intention
出刊日期 202406




The study explores the impact of flow experience and involvement in temple activities on the purchase intention of cultural and creative goods. A Google questionnaire survey method was used. The study found that the flow experience of Temple Cultural and Creative Goods has a significant positive impact on consumers’ purchase intention; the degree of involvement has a significant positive effect on purchase intention; the flow experience of Temple Cultural and Creative Goods has a significant positive effect on consumers’ involvement level. It can be seen that temple activities and cultural and creative products can improve the flow of experience and involvement of participants can increase people’s willingness to purchase.
