
行政暨政策學報 TSSCI

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篇名 個人資料授權在知情同意機制的優化研究
卷期 78
並列篇名 Enhancement of Informed Consent for Personal Data Authorization
作者 曾憲立朱斌妤陳恭戴豪君
頁次 067-094
關鍵字 個人資料同意疲勞知情同意準實驗personal dataconsent fatigueinformed consentquasi-experimental designTSSCI
出刊日期 202406
DOI 10.29865/PAP.202406_(78).0003


「知情同意」(informed consent)是民主法治國家對民眾資料處理最重要的授權依據,自歐盟公告一般資料保護規則(General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR)強化個人資料處理的自主性以來,國際社會均高度重視,由於知情同意文件樣式與種類繁多、通常篇幅很長且為法律用語,民眾常難以理解其內容而缺乏近用性,且隨著線上申辦的普及,線上知情同意的落實更為重要,為保護個人資料與落實資料的自主應用,國家發展委員會於2021年推動個人化資料自主運用平臺(MyData平臺),並發布「個人化資料自主運用平臺介接作業要點」,民眾在經線上身分驗證後,可於平臺使用資料下載及線上申辦服務。本文以MyData平臺所提供的知情同意文件為範本,以知情同意文件的「長度」與「視覺」兩個變數進行準實驗設計,招收411位受試者,實驗進行時間為2021年10月至12月間,以線上介面設計工具Figma,產出4個版本的知情同意文件,以了解文件的「花費時間」和「了解程度」是否有所影響。研究結果顯現:四個版本的呈現方式對受試者確實有所差異,且在面對長篇幅、內容深澀且較難理解的法律或技術專業用語時,以「大略瀏覽」的方式為多數。因此建議知情同意文件可考慮以圖像化(圖標搭配文字)方式呈現,以減少民眾同意疲勞(consent fatigue)現象的發生。


"Informed consent" is considered the most crucial legal basis for data processing. Following the reinforcement of personal data autonomy under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union, it has gained significant attention from the international community. However, due to the numerous styles and types of informed consent documents, they are often lengthy, complex, and challenging for individuals to comprehend, leading to a lack of accessibility. Furthermore, with the proliferation of online applications, the need for implementing online informed consent has become a critical issue for the government. In order to protect personal data and implement independent data applications, National Development Council (NDC) in Taiwan lunched MyData platform for independent use of personal data in 2021, which will allow civic to use the platform for personal data download and online application services after online identity verification and informed consent. This study deployed an informed consent document provided by MyData platform as a model, and manipulated the "length" and "visual" variables of the informed consent document to conduct a quasi-experimental design. 411 subjects were recruited, and the experiment was conducted from October to December 2021. Four versions of the informed consent document were generated using an online interface design tool, Figma, to see if "time spent" and "level of understanding" of the document made a significant difference. The results of the study revealed that the presentation of the four versions did vary among subjects, and that "skimming" was the most common method when faced with long, difficult to understand legalese or technical terminology. Thus, we recommended that graphic and hierarchical presentation of the informed consent document be considered to reduce occurrence of "consent fatigue".
