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篇名 文化資產審議新範例:文化部指定國定古蹟的嘉義城隍廟
卷期 224
並列篇名 A New Paradigm for Reviewing Cultural Assets: The Chiayi City God Temple, a National Monument Designated by the Ministry of Culture
作者 褚填正
頁次 283-319
關鍵字 文化資產保存法文化資產審議國定古蹟嘉義城隍廟《嘉義城隍廟志》Cultural Heritage Preservation Actcultural heritage reviewnational monumentChiayi City God TempleThe History of the Chiayi City God TempleTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 202406




The Cultural Heritage Preservation Act was promulgated in 1982, and since then has been revised several times to ensure the systematic preservation of cultural assets in Taiwan. In recent years, the Ministry of Culture has designated several temples as national monuments through cultural heritage review, showcasing new forms of cultural heritage thought. The Chiayi City God Temple was built in 1715 by County Magistrate Zhou Zhongxuan, who was the top official in Taiwan at that time. It was the first government-built City God temple in the north of the Tainan prefectural city domain during the early Qing dynasty. The temple’s jurisdiction included a vast area from the north of the Xingang River to present-day Keelung, covering two-thirds of Taiwan and bearing witness to the history of its Han peoples. The Chiayi City God Temple became a third-level historic site in 1985, a Chiayi City-designated historic site in 2006, and a national monument in 2015. In 2022, The History of the Chiayi City God Temple was published, which helped the world understand these historical changes. This article aims to discuss how this important sacred site was transformed into a national monument. By using official documents, investigation reports, and interview data, the author and the China University of Technology research team examined applications and reviews of the Chiayi City God Temple in 2007, 2010, 2011, and 2014. Our research discovered that this temple contains many works by well-known architecture and craft masters. It also houses eight cultural relics certified by the Ministry of Culture, including the City God palanquin, a statue of Zhou Zhongxuan, and a placard bestowed by Emperor Guangxu. In addition, the temple’s Ghost Festival is registered as intangible cultural heritage. Our reconsideration of the value of this temple’s historical and cultural heritage can also serve as an important paradigm for verifying other forms of tangible and intangible cultural heritage in Taiwan.
